Please read the remarks about programming problems for this course.

In class you were assigned one of the following C++ graphical frameworks: SFML, SDL, FLTK, or Allegro. This assignment has two parts:

  1. Install the framework on your computer or on a departmental virtual machine.

  2. Read through any tutorials you can find online, and write a few small sample programs to acquaint yourself with the framework.

  3. Prepare a presentation to inform the class about your graphical framework. To support your presentation you should create some slides and demonstrate some sample programs. The purpose of your presentation is to bring the rest of the class up to speed on how your framework works.

    Components of your presentation should address the following questions:

    • How easy is your framework to install?
    • How difficult is it to write a relatively simple 2D graphical application like Tic-Tac-Toe?
    • What characteristics of your framework do you like most?
    • What characteristics of your framework do you like least?
    • How suitable would your framework be to be wrapped within an API similar to the Simple Graphics Library (

    Since your classmates are researching their own graphical frameworks, you should be prepared to field some in-depth questions about your framework.

    After your presentation, please submit your slides and demo code to