Testing Procedure for CPTE 105 & 107

Absolutely step one is to watch the pre-test videos (CPTE 105 Videos). Next there are two ways you may take the final exam. One for on campus students and the second for distance education students.

  1. If you are on campus, you must take the final in the HSC 1303 lab on or before the date/time listed in the course schedule. Go to Hickman Science Center to room 1303 when a Lab Consultant is on duty and tell them what class you are in and that you would like to take the exam. They have a whole procedure to walk you through and will help you get started.

  2. If you are taking this course as a distance education course and are not able to come to campus to take the final on or before the due date listed in the course schedule, you will be responsible for obtaining an approved proctor for the final exam. An approved proctor is a non-relative pastor, teacher or other education professional (such as a librarian).  Getting approval for a proctor and making other arrangements for the final exam should be done no later than two weeks prior to the end of the course. I prefer to communicate with the proctor via email, but their email address must verifiably belong to the teacher or pastor. Yahoo, GMail, Hotmail etc. address may not be used. I will be happy to communicate with a proctor via snail mail if verification is problematic. You should plan to take the exam in time to upload the final exam to eclass before the due date.

There is also the possiblity of "Testing Out"

If you think you know Microsoft Word (on the PC) so well and you can take the final during the first week of classs, let me know after you take it and I'll grade it and give you as your final grade the score you earn on the exam. WARNING - this is a one time offer. You may not do this if you are repeating the class. For CPTE 107 I don't recommend this at all. Essentially this is like "challenging the course."